“… this theory … it’s sort of a research methodology whose real goal is not to solve problems but to identify the right problem. So what I’m saying is that computer scientists are interested in exactly the same thing you are interested in. We want to ask the right algorithmic question which can be solved within the framework that is available to the particular domain.”

Christos Papadimitriou, The Brain and Computation Boot Camp

Welcome to the “Theory of Computation” for Fall 2021. We aim to highlight the practical importance of the basic theory of computation in the everyday lives of working software developers and computer scientists. This course will teach you how to prove theorems about your programs. You will learn the importance of thinking logically when designing your programs, and the benefits of tooling that helps to check your programs are correct.


Lecture Instructor Dates Time Location
16453 Jason TF 1:35-3:15 Richards Hall 300
10376 Jason TF 3:25-5:05 Hurtig Hall 130