Equational reasoning and higher order functions
A couple of notes.
Website: Changed
CCS Github is a jerkface.
Gradescope Grading Scale: Updated phrasing
Now phrases should better reflect what you’re seeing.
Canvas Grading Scale
Now 0-9.
Racket’s match
Arithmetic examples.
This is not news.
- Wilhelm Ackermann
- Gabriel Sudan
(define (phi p m n)
[(zero? p) (+ m n)]
[(and (zero? n) (zero? (sub1 p))) 0]
[(and (zero? n) (zero? (sub1 (sub1 p)))) 1]
[(zero? n) m]
[else (phi (sub1 p) m (phi p m (sub1 n)))]))
After Ackermann’s publication of his function (which had three nonnegative integer arguments), many authors modified it to suit various purposes, so that today “the Ackermann function” may refer to any of numerous variants of the original function. One common version, the two-argument Ackermann–Péter function, is defined as follows for nonnegative integers m and n:
– wiki
(define (ack-peter m n)
[(zero? m) (add1 n)]
[(zero? n) (ack-peter (sub1 m) 1)]
[else (ack-peter (sub1 m) (ack-peter m (sub1 n)))]))