On this page:
4.1 Designing Methods for Simple Shapes
4.2 Designing the area method:   dynamic dispatch
4.3 Dynamic dispatch
4.4 Designing the distance  To  Origin method
4.5 What’s so special about Cartesian coordinates, anyway?
4.6 Designing the is  Bigger  Than method
4.7 Designing the contains method
4.8 Putting it all together:   Lots of Examples

Lecture 4: Methods for unions🔗

Design methods for unions of classes of data. Dynamic dispatch.
Practice using wish lists.

Related files:


In the last lecture we introduced simple method definitions for classes, method invocation to actually execute those methods, the notion of delegating responsibility from one object to another, and introduced how to test our methods. In this lecture, we introduce methods for union data types, and introduce the concept of dynamic dispatch.

4.1 Designing Methods for Simple Shapes🔗

Here are our two classes that represent shapes - we defined them to implement the common interface IShape.

The class diagram below shows our ambitious program - of designing four methods for these classes.

                  | IShape                            |
                  | double area()                     |
                  | double distanceToOrigin()         |
                  | IShape grow(int inc)              |
                  | boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that) |
                                / \
               |                             |
+-----------------------------------+        |
| Circle                            |        |
+-----------------------------------+        |
| int x                             |        |
| int y                             |        |
| int radius                        |        |
| String color                      |        |
+-----------------------------------+        |
| double area()                     |        |
| double distanceToOrigin()         |        |
| IShape grow(int inc)              |        |
| boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that) |        |
+-----------------------------------+        |
                      | Square                            |
                      | int x                             |
                      | int y                             |
                      | int size                          |
                      | String color                      |
                      | double area()                     |
                      | double distanceToOrigin()         |
                      | IShape grow(int inc)              |
                      | boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that) |

We want to design the following methods that would work for any shape - the two we have defined now, and any other shape class we may define in the future (for example a Triangle class).

// to compute the area of this shape double area();
// to compute the distance from this shape to the origin double distanceToOrigin();
// to increase the size of this shape by the given increment IShape grow(int inc);
// is the area of this shape bigger than the area of the given shape? boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that);
4.2 Designing the area method: dynamic dispatch🔗

To compute the area of a shape in DrRacket, the function purpose, signature and header would have been:

;; to compute the area of the given shape
;; area : Shape -> Number
(define (area ashape) ...)

and the template would have been:

;; to compute the area of the given shape
;; area : Shape -> Number
(define (area ashape)
       [(circle? ashape) ...]
       [(square? ashape) ...]))

In Java the methods that deal with each type of object are defined within the corresponding class definitions for those objects. So the area method that computes the area of a circle is defined in the Circle class, and the area method that computes the area of a square is defined in the Square class.

A union of several classes in Java is represented by an interface type. We would like to assure that every class that implements our IShape interface does indeed define the method area. The interface definition, that so far was just an empty shell of code, is now used to define method headers for some methods. Interfaces define a signature: one that must be upheld by every class that claims to implement the interface, and that can be relied upon by every client of the interface. Specifically, every class that implements the interface is required to implement all methods that the interface specifies. In turn, whenever we use any object of the type specified by the interface, we are guaranteed that we can invoke every method defined in the interface on this object.

For now it seems redundant to have to write public; surely Java can simply detect that methods were declared in an interface, so why do we have to write it ourselves? Ask your Objects II instructor for the full answer ...

New keyword: Whenever we define methods in a class that were declared in an interface, we must mark them as public. Our code would look like this:

// to represent a geometric shape interface IShape {
// to compute the area of this shape double area();
// We'll add more methods later }
// to represent a circle class Circle implements IShape {
int x; // represents the center of the circle int y;
int radius;
String color;
Circle(int x, int y, int radius, String color) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.color = color;
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.x ... -- int ... this.y ... -- int ... this.radius ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double */
// to compute the area of this shape public double area() {
return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;
// to represent a square class Square implements IShape {
int x; // represents the top-left corner of the square int y;
int size;
String color;
Square(int x, int y, int size, String color) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.size = size;
this.color = color;
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.x ... -- int ... this.y ... -- int ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS: ... this.area() ... -- double */
// to compute the area of this shape public double area() {
return this.size * this.size;
class ExamplesShapes {
ExamplesShapes() {}
IShape c1 = new Circle(50, 50, 10, "red");
IShape s1 = new Square(50, 50, 30, "red");
// test the method area in the classes that implement IShape boolean testIShapeArea(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.c1.area(), 314.15, 0.01) &&
t.checkInexact(this.s1.area(), 900.0, 0.01);

Do Now!

Define the remaining methods for the classes Circle and Square:

// In IShape // to compute the distance from this shape to the origin double distanceToOrigin();
// to increase the size of this shape by the given increment IShape grow(int inc);
// is the area of this shape bigger than // the area of the given shape? boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that);

One of these might require more helper methods than have been defined so far.

4.3 Dynamic dispatch🔗

Something should have seemed a bit odd in the examples above. How did Java “know” that when we wrote this.c1.area(), we intended to invoke the area method defined in the Circle class, and that when we wrote this.s1.area(), we intended to invoke the method defined in the Square class? After all, both s1 and c1 are declared as having type IShape and interfaces don’t define any method implementations at all!

Suppose we made the situation even murkier: suppose we needed to write a helper method in some code that returned twice the area of an object:
// somewhere in our code, in some class... double twiceTheArea(IShape aShape) {
return 2 * aShape.area();

Can you tell, just from looking at that snippet of code, what kind of shape this method is given? No! Said another way, all we know statically that is, by looking at the text of our program — is that the argument aShape is some IShape. However, dynamically that is, when we run the program and this method gets invoked — we must have some specific shape at hand. And it is only at that moment in the program’s execution that we could determine which area method to invoke.

This process, of dispatching to the correct method implementation based on information available only dynamically, is called dynamic dispatch, and it is one of the cornerstone concepts of object-oriented programming.

Do Now!

Look back at the Racket template for the area function, and compare it to the implementation of the area methods in Circle and Square. Do you see anything missing in the Java version?

Notice that the Java version of this method has no explicit cond expression, or any expressions like circle? or square? at all. What was the purpose of that cond? It distinguished between the different variants of our union data type. In an object-oriented language, this is precisely the purpose of dynamic dispatch: the language itself distinguishes between the variants, and dispatches to the correct method implementation for you, without you having to write any explicit variant-testing code.

If you find yourself wanting to write an expression like square? or circle?, stop! Re-read this portion of the lecture notes, and then redesign your code to use a method on an interface and dynamic dispatch instead.

4.4 Designing the distanceToOrigin method🔗

Let’s implement the distanceToOrigin method, which will return the distance to the edge of a circle, or the distance to the top-left corner of a square. If we naively “just start writing” code, we’ll wind up with this poorly-designed result:
class Circle implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.x ... -- int ... this.y ... -- int ... this.radius ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double */
public double distanceToOrigin() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) - this.radius;
class Square implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.x ... -- int ... this.y ... -- int ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double */
public double distanceToOrigin() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);

Notice that these two methods are very similar, are operating on nearly identical data, and are producing nearly the same result. If only we didn’t have to write out the Pythagorean formula twice – chances are good we’ll make a mistake at least once. And what if in the future we add more kinds of IShapes: will we have to write the formula again?

Also confusing: while both shapes have x and y fields, they mean slightly different things: the center of the circle versus the top-left corner of the square.

At this point, the design recipe for abstraction says “make a helper function”. But Java has no functions: it only has classes, interfaces, and methods. But that gives us an idea. We can solve all these problems at once, by factoring out the x and y fields into a helper class, which we will call CartPt (for Cartesian Point).

// To represent a 2-d point by Cartesian coordinates class CartPt {
int x;
int y;
CartPt(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
class Circle implements IShape {
CartPt center; // NEW! And its name is far more helpful int radius;
String color;
Circle(CartPt center, int radius, String color) {
this.center = center;
this.radius = radius;
this.color = color;
class Square implements IShape {
CartPt topLeft; // NEW! And its name is far more helpful int size;
String color;
Square(CartPt topLeft, int size, String color) {
this.topLeft = topLeft;
this.size = size;
this.color = color;

Do Now!

Revise the class diagram above to include CartPt and these changes to Circle and Square.

Now we can add methods to CartPt that might be helpful to us in implementing methods for IShapes:
class CartPt {
// To compute the distance from this point to the origin double distanceToOrigin() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);

Do Now!

Revise the distanceToOrigin methods in Circle and Square to delegate to this method on CartPt.

class Circle implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.center ... -- CartPt ... this.radius ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double METHODS ON FIELDS ----- NEW! ... this.center.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double */
public double distanceToOrigin() {
return this.center.distanceToOrigin() - this.radius;
class Square implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS: ... this.topLeft ... -- CartPt ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double METHODS ON FIELDS ----- NEW! ... this.topLeft.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double */
public double distanceToOrigin() {
return this.topLeft.distanceToOrigin();

Much better! This is one common example of an important principle in program design: Don’t Repeat Yourself. If there is a way to refactor your code, to extract common elements and separate them into reusable abstractions, it’s probably a good idea to do that.

In this case, we get to extend our template with a new section, methods of fields, that gives us access to exactly the new functionality that we need.

Do Now!

Design a method boolean contains(CartPt point) for IShapes that returns true if the given point is within the shape.

4.5 What’s so special about Cartesian coordinates, anyway?🔗

There is a subtle, but very powerful, benefit to abstracting x and y into their own class. Notice now that there is no code, outside the CartPt class itself, that knows or cares about x or y fields. So if we wanted to, we could represent our points as PolarPt, with r and theta fields instead.

Do Now!

Design the PolarPt class. Revise the data definitions we have so far, so that Squares and Circles could accept a PolarPt instead of just a CartPt. (Hint: now that a point is not just a CartPt, but one of CartPt or PolarPt, what new construction do you need to inform Java about this relationship?)

Do Now!

What goes wrong when trying to implement the contains method?

4.6 Designing the isBiggerThan method🔗

Let’s look at the isBiggerThan method. It asks whether this shape’s area is greater than the given shape’s area. If only we had a way to compute the area of shapes, we’d be done. Wait – we are!

Do Now!

Design the isBiggerThan method for Circle and Square. Did you get a sense of deja vu on implementing the second one?

// to represent a circle class Circle implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS ... this.center ... -- CartPt ... this.radius ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... this.isBiggerThan(IShape that) ... -- boolean METHODS FOR FIELDS: ... this.center.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double */
// is the area of this shape bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that) {
/*--------------------------------------------------- // TEMPLATE for this method: // EVERYTHING from our class-wide template... ... this.center ... -- CartPt ... this.radius ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String   ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... this.isBiggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean   ... this.center.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double   // PLUS methods on the parameters ... that.area() ... -- double ... that.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... that.isBiggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean ---------------------------------------------------*/
return this.area() > that.area();
class Square implements IShape {
/* TEMPLATE FIELDS ... this.topLeft ... -- CartPt ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String METHODS ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... this.isBiggerThan(IShape that) ... -- boolean METHODS FOR FIELDS: ... this.topLeft.distanceToOrigin() ...-- double */
// is the area of this shape bigger than the area of the given shape? public boolean isBiggerThan(IShape that) {
/*--------------------------------------------------- // TEMPLATE for this method: // EVERYTHING from our class-wide template... ... this.topLeft ... -- CartPt ... this.size ... -- int ... this.color ... -- String   ... this.area() ... -- double ... this.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... this.isBiggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean   ... this.topLeft.distanceToOrigin() ...-- double   // PLUS methods on the parameters ... that.area() ... -- double ... that.distanceToOrigin() ... -- double ... that.isBiggerThan(IShape) ... -- boolean ---------------------------------------------------*/
return this.area() > that.area();

The implementations of both methods are identical! We’ll see in Lecture 9: Abstract classes and inheritance how to eliminate this duplication.

4.7 Designing the contains method🔗

Note: this section assumes that you are working with CartPt directly, rather than the generalization to IPoint. (See What’s so special about Cartesian coordinates, anyway?)

Let’s solve the problem first for Circles. Determining whether a circle contains a point requires comparing the distances between two points. We already have a method that computes the distance to a specific point, the origin, but now we need a more general version that computes the distance to a given point:
class CartPt {
double distanceTo(CartPt that) {
return Math.sqrt(
(this.x - that.x) * (this.x - that.x)
+ (this.y - that.y) * (this.y - that.y));
Now we can implement contains:
class Circle implements IShape {
boolean contains(CartPt point) {
return this.center.distanceTo(point) < this.radius;

Solving this for Squares is slightly trickier, as we need to compare the actual coordinates of the points:
class Square implements IShape {
boolean contains(CartPt point) {
return (this.topLeft.x <= point.x) &&
(point.x <= this.topLeft.x + this.size) &&
(this.topLeft.y <= point.y) &&
(point.y <= this.topLeft.y + this.size);

4.8 Putting it all together: Lots of Examples🔗

We define several examples of each class we’ve built so far, and test all the methods on them. Notice two things about these examples: first, we declare the types of all our shapes to be IShape, rather than Circle or Square, because we were designing a union type. Second, notice that despite declaring the examples to all have type IShape, Java still correctly calls the methods defined in the Circle class for examples c1, c2 and c3, and the methods defined in the Square class for examples s1, s2 and s3. This is dynamic dispatch in action.

class ExamplesShapes {
ExamplesShapes() {}
CartPt pt1 = new CartPt(0, 0);
CartPt pt2 = new CartPt(3, 4);
CartPt pt3 = new CartPt(7, 1);
IShape c1 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 10, "red");
IShape c2 = new Circle(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red");
IShape c3 = new Circle(new CartPt(30, 100), 30, "blue");
IShape s1 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 30, "red");
IShape s2 = new Square(new CartPt(50, 50), 50, "red");
IShape s3 = new Square(new CartPt(20, 40), 10, "green");
// test the method distanceToOrigin in the class CartPt boolean testDistanceToOrigin(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distanceToOrigin(), 0.0, 0.001) &&
t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distanceToOrigin(), 5.0, 0.001);
// test the method distTo in the class CartPt boolean testDistTo(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.pt1.distTo(this.pt2), 5.0, 0.001) &&
t.checkInexact(this.pt2.distTo(this.pt3), 5.0, 0.001);
// test the method area in the class Circle boolean testCircleArea(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.c1.area(), 314.15, 0.01);
// test the method area in the class Square boolean testSquareArea(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.s1.area(), 900.0, 0.01);
// test the method distanceToOrigin in the class Circle boolean testCircleDistanceToOrigin(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.c1.distanceToOrigin(), 60.71, 0.01) &&
t.checkInexact(this.c3.distanceToOrigin(), 74.40, 0.01);
// test the method distanceToOrigin in the class Square boolean testSquareDistanceToOrigin(Tester t) {
t.checkInexact(this.s1.distanceToOrigin(), 70.71, 0.01) &&
t.checkInexact(this.s3.distanceToOrigin(), 44.72, 0.01);
// test the method grow in the class Circle boolean testCircleGrow(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.c1.grow(20), this.c2);
// test the method grow in the class Square boolean testSquareGrow(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.s1.grow(20), this.s2);
// test the method isBiggerThan in the class Circle boolean testCircleIsBiggerThan(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.c1.isBiggerThan(this.c2), false) &&
t.checkExpect(this.c2.isBiggerThan(this.c1), true) &&
t.checkExpect(this.c1.isBiggerThan(this.s1), false) &&
t.checkExpect(this.c1.isBiggerThan(this.s3), true);
// test the method isBiggerThan in the class Square boolean testSquareIsBiggerThan(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.s1.isBiggerThan(this.s2), false) &&
t.checkExpect(this.s2.isBiggerThan(this.s1), true) &&
t.checkExpect(this.s1.isBiggerThan(this.c1), true) &&
t.checkExpect(this.s3.isBiggerThan(this.c1), false);
// test the method contains in the class Circle boolean testCircleContains(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.c1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) &&
t.checkExpect(this.c2.contains(new CartPt(40, 60)), true);
// test the method contains in the class Square boolean testSquareContains(Tester t) {
t.checkExpect(this.s1.contains(new CartPt(100, 100)), false) &&
t.checkExpect(this.s2.contains(new CartPt(55, 60)), true);


Define a new shape, Combo, that contains two IShapes. Its distanceToOrigin should be the minimum of the distances of its two components, its area should be the sum of the areas of its two components, it can grow by growing both of its components, and it contains a CartPt if either of its components contains the given point.