Office Hours Location and Format

Following Univerersity and College guidance, this semester we will hold office hours remotely. Our TA staff will use the Khoury Office Hours system, helping students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please see the OH calendar below.


I’ll be active on Khoury Office Hours Tuesdays 12pm-2pm Eastern. I’ll also be in my office (West Village H #326) during that time, so we can meet and talk in person if you prefer. If people come to both, I’ll trade off or combine when I can. I’m also available outside of those hours by appointment. Email preferred.


I will active on Khoury Office Hours Wednesdays 6pm-8pm Eastern.

However, you don’t need to wait a week to talk to me. Here’s how you can reach me when I’m not holding OH, in order of preference:

  1. See me after class, we can talk outside the classroom. I’ll be in lecture most days until May 20th.
  2. Book a time to meet with me.
  3. Send an email to
  4. DM me on Teams 🤮.

I will almost always be free to answer questions and meet during key times (right before homeworks are due and in the week preceeding exams).


I will be holding my office hours Thurdays 12-2pm EST.

You can also send me an email at if you have any other questions outside of my office hours. I will be happy to meet virtually or in person if I am available :)

I might be hard to reach out from teams, but I usually respond to emails pretty fast :) If I don’t reply within a day, feel free to shoot me another email when necessary!


Effective Office Hours