Purpose and Objectives

This course introduces programming languages concepts with a hands-on, “learn by doing” approach. This means both writing working programs and understanding programming languages’ behaviors by implementing those behaviors in interpreters. Through this we will understand both the commonalities between languages and the impact of various language-design decisions. To summarize, in this course you will:

After this course you will know how to:

  1. Learn and utilize central PL concepts such as evaluation, scope, binding, and defunctionalization.
  2. Implement interpreters and extend them to evaluate new syntactic forms.
  3. Apply correctness-preserving program transformation techniques to guarantee program properties.
  4. Evaluate and critique the impact of language design decisions.

This course is fast paced. The course’s material accumulates, building to a must-pass project due toward the end of the course. Weekly programming assignments help situate lectures and provide opportunities to engage and practice concepts prior to the exams. Grades from these assignments give you early feedback on your understanding and performance. Further, these assignments ensure your final grade will not be solely determined by your project and exams. These will be discussed in detail below.

This syllabus contains policies and expectations I have established for CS4400. Please read carefully the entire syllabus before continuing in this course. I intend for these policies and expectations to create a productive learning atmosphere for all students. Unless you are prepared to abide by these policies and expectations, you risk losing the opportunity to participate further in the course. Policies and expectations as set forth in this syllabus may be modified at any time by the course instructor. Notice of such changes will be made by announcement in class, by written or email notice, or by changes to this syllabus posted on the course website.


The best way to get in contact for personal, private (FERPA, etc) messages is via my email address jhemann@northeastern.edu. You should expect a response within 48 hours. You will find that I am faster with Piazza or our public forums. If I deem it even potentially useful to others, I will likely anonymize your letter, re-post it on Piazza, answer it there, and forward you the link.

A great regular way to reach out for help is via our office hours.

Grade Breakdown

I will assign overall course grades as follows:

 | Category                  | Weight (%) |
 | Lecture Quizzes           |         20 |
 | Exams                     |         35 |
 | Homework*                 |         45 |
 | TRACE                     |          1 |
 | Total                     |        101 |

We (I) will calculate overall numeric grade according to the Northeastern grading schema. Your final grades will be at least as good as the standard calculation for As, Bs, Cs, etc. To assign final letter grades at the end of the term I sum and chart the numeric scores, and break students’ grades where we see inflection points (with no students’ grade worse than their raw calculation). This means I cannot give you a more precise estimate of your grade than what you calculate from the raw score.

I will base some portions of your homework and lecture quiz grades on completion and submission of the relevant exercises. I will base the remaining portion of each on correctness.

Total Running Grade Calculation

We will track the completion portions of your lab and homework grades, as well as your project grades, on Canvas. You will have an approximate assessment of your current grade status before the Add/Drop deadline. We cannot give you a standing completion percentage of the participation component of your grade because, logically, there are no pop quizzes.

Collaborative Course Construction and Feedback

I want you all’s feedback and input. I am open to suggestions and changes; I consider this preliminary until the end of the first week of class. You can see any and all changes on the course website’s repository. I cannot promise that we will act on all suggestions, and even those we find compelling may not be implementable as we go.


I expect you to attend each lecture. We will not take attendance as such, but attendance is a prerequisite for participation, a substantial portion of your grade for this course. I expect students to attend every class and remain in class throughout the duration of the session. Your absence or tardiness will impact your ability to achieve course objectives which could hurt your course grade. An absence, excused or unexcused, does not relieve a student of any course requirement. Lecture content quizzes serve as proxies for participation and thus attendance, as well as to gauge students’ understanding.

Lecture Quizzes/Polls

Expect to have regular content quizzes during or toward the end of lecture. These act as a forcing function, encouraging attention to lectures and/or the ancillary readings and to alert me to students’ difficulties. Sometimes we take these for completion, others for accuracy. These lecture quizzes belongs under your participation grade. To account for illnesses, other commitments that come up, and all the other vagaries of life, I’ll drop 5/25 of these quizzes for you all. I don’t know that I’d be comfortable dropping 1/5 of them under normal circumstances, but at least in the current situation that seems like a reasonable precaution. If you think you’re sick, please do get yourself checked and be safe.


Homework, consisting of weekly programming assignments, is an essential part of the course. Assignments are available by at least Thursday evening, and unless otherwise indicated, homework submissions are due by 10 p.m. on the Wednesday after I have assigned them. We give a few (randomly varying) extra minutes to account for network time disagreements, but beyond this homework assignments are due strictly on the day and time listed on the assignment.

To universally, uniformly and preemptively account for any number of situations that arise, I will drop every student’s lowest homework assignment grade. You will also have an opportunity for a bonus assignment to replace your lowest remaining assignment. This absolution for one assignment and optional bonus is our late/etc homework clemency; but for exceptional circumstances, I shall not accept late homework otherwise; we are, however happy to go over these missed submissions with you at office hours.

You will have ten regular homework assignments plus that one bonus assignment; I will make the bonus assignment available between Homework 9 and Homework 10.

You should make every effort to complete and submit each assignment. If you are struggling with an assignment, it best to turn in what you can complete and to seek help. Homework assignments will build on one another conceptually, and some later assignments require the successful completion of problems from earlier ones. Do not fall behind. If you feel yourself falling behind, seek help immediately and take advantage of office hours, your classmates, ancillary readings, and additional support. Follow both the general homework guidelines, as well as any special instructions given on the assignment itself.

We allow an unlimited number of submissions per assignment, up to the deadline.

We will evaluate your work both for correctness and for style. We provide you an autograder test suite for each assignment. This autograder merely ensures that your programs compute the correct answers. Our homework problems are as much about how you solve the problems as that you solve them. You should use the suggested style as demonstrated in class. We are teaching, especially early in the course, a particular way of thinking through and solving problems. This technique generalizes to the course’s subsequent, larger problems, and programs in this style serve as input for program transformation techniques we will learn. We will also make a holistic, subjective evaluation of your submission under the following rubric.

You should aim for a grade of 7 or better on homework assignments. If you receive a lower grade, make sure to carefully revisit that assignment before the next exam. I encourage you to contact an instructor for help, even on prior assignments.

Homework assignments will almost always contain extra “just dessert” problems. These are not required and do not impact your homework grade–they are there for your fun and excitement. Often, these problems explore interesting topics we will not have get to in class, but we would be remiss in skipping them entirely.

Homeworks sets will almost always contain some brainteaster questions. These are merely optional for those who want something extra to play with. Often these extra problems show something interesting that we haven’t had the time to talk about in class. Usually there’ll be some dessert problems as well. These are also optional, and vary from suuuper tricky to things we haven’t yet solved to our satisfaction.


You will have two long-form in-class exams. We calibrate our exams to make full use of the grading spectrum, and assume you fully understand the lecture material and the skills and techniques practiced on homework, and that you can apply them in new ways. They are not intended to be “easy” for even accomplished students. The instructor is known for exams that use the full width of the grading curve; this is deliberate, as the common 30-point standard deviation is insufficiently granular. We will provide you a practice exam, and before each exam we will use the full period for an exam review session. Exams offer bonus questions that can help improve your score, potentially above 100 points.

TRACE evaluations

I encourage students to take time and submit TRACE evaluations. Your time is busy at the end of the term when these are available. In order to fairly compensate you for that time without violating the integrity or anonymity of the TRACE system, if 85% or more of the enrolled students complete these TRACE evaluations, then I shall add a point onto the class-wide final average.


This course culminates in a final project. This project also presumes an understanding of the prior material in the course, and acts as a final test of your ability to understand and apply this material. To complete this assignment you must: 1) submit a working version of your interpreter written in C 2) keep copies of your program at each stage of this transformation 3) successfully pass a code review, to be scheduled with one of the instructors. We will provide a tool to schedule a code review with an instructor. You may take as many code reviews as you need, without penalty. This project is given as an assignment, and graded for completion—you will receive 100\% if you complete it successfully by the scheduled time. However, you must complete all portions of this assignment before the date and time of the final exam. You must complete this assignment to receive a passing grade in this course.


The vast majority of course content will come from in-class lecture, supplemented with notes distributed online. Therefore, attending lecture is of the utmost importance. You should make every effort to attend each lecture, and take vigorous notes. We will often provide directly the answers to homework problems in lecture, and this course is significantly more difficult for the student who misses one or more lectures. There are no substitutes for participating in in-class activities. We will sometimes distribute electronic transcripts of the in-class code, but this is no substitute for careful notes and understanding its development. I will not be taking attendance except for lecture content quizzes. Regular class attendance is a student’s obligation, as is responsibility for all the content of class meetings, including tests.

You should plan to have with you tools to take vigorous notes. Pencil and paper, or some electronic tablet version of the aforementioned, are especially effective. I have traditionally found the use of laptops and cell phones in the classroom disruptive. I have come to understand that I may be a bit of a Luddite and for the first time I’m removing the usual prohibition. However, if students’ laptops and cell phones become disruptive for the general classroom environment or students around them, I will revisit this decision. The use of cell phones, smart phones, or other mobile communication devices is disruptive, and is therefore prohibited during class.

I do not permit electronic video and/or audio recording of class without prior permission. Unless the student obtains permission from the instructor electronic video and/or audio recording of class is prohibited. If you receive permission, any distribution of the recording is prohibited. Students with specific electronic recording accommodations authorized by the DRC do not require instructor permission; however, the instructor must be notified of any such accommodation prior to recording. Any distribution of such recordings is prohibited. Obviously I cannot stop you, but it’s to both our benefits.

Additional Support

In addition to lecture, we provide the following additional resources for students to avail themselves. Do consider taking regular advantage of them.

Scheduled Office Hours

Course personnel will make ourselves available online for 4-6 hours of office hours available weekly, concentrated toward assignment due dates. If our office hours schedule is particularly ill-suited to your class schedule, let me know and we may be able to adjust it. I’ll also be available in West Village H #326 during my office hours. Please see the office hours page for the most current and detailed policies.


We will be using Gradescope this term, which allows us to provide fast and accurate feedback on your work. Homework will be submitted through Gradescope, and homework and exam grades will be returned through Gradescope. As soon as grades are posted, you will be notified immediately so that you can log in and see your feedback. For clarification on grades, please meet with your grader during office hours.

To access Gradescope, click the Log In button on the Gradescope website and enter your university email. Then enter your existing password if you have one or click Forgot Password to reset it or create one for the first time.

Piazza Forums

Outside of office hours, you should utilize the class’s Piazza forums for questions. We have disabled private messages to instructors, but you can choose to remain anonymous to the class when asking questions. We prefer Piazza over email, as it gives other students the opportunity to learn from those same anwers. Please restrict your questions to those that do not ``give away the punchline’’ to a homework question. For more sensitive questions, or administrative issues that should addressed in private, please email me at the address listed on the front of this syllabus.

Optional Texts

There are no required texts for this class. Simply put, no companion textbooks mirror this course’s development of these topics. For students who prefer to have readings to supplement lecture material, we suggest the following two optional texts, which we refer to as SAOP and EOPL. Each covers portions of material from this course, and together the two texts contain supplementary material for almost every lecture. The schedule lists optional readings from each when they contain supplementary material that complements that lecture. Both are available at the campus bookstore.

Neither will cover topics precisely the way we do in lecture. Their implementations will also differ in technical details and particulars of syntax. However, both provide material that translates to what we do in class. Some students may choose to use these readings after lectures to supplement their understanding. Especially diligent students may use them to preview the lecture and be that much farther ahead. In the rare circumstance you must miss lecture, these may help supplement your understanding from lab, our additional support, and perhaps lecture notes from a friend.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students of course play an integral part in ensuring they receive the full benefit of their coursework. The students of 4400 are certainly beholden to the academic integrity policies of Northeastern University and as laid out in the student handbook, the Khoury College.

Equity and Compliance

One of our responsibilities in supporting student learning 360° is to help create a safe learning environment both in person and virtually. You should carefully consult the university’s relevant policies, and if you have or experience any violations of the above I encourage you to take full advantage of the university resources.

It is also important that you know that federal regulations and University policy require me to promptly convey any information about certain kinds of misconduct known to me to our Deputy Title IX Coordinator or IU’s Title IX Coordinator. In that event, they will work with a small number of others on campus to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available to the student who may have been harmed. Protecting a student’s privacy is of utmost concern, and all involved will only share information with those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist.

Academic Accommodations

If you have accommodations from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) please submit your Professor Notification Letter to me by email, preferably within the first two weeks of the quarter, so I can do my part to help you achieve equal access in this course. I am eager to discuss ways we can ensure your full participation.

I encourage all students who may benefit from learning more about DRC services to contact the DRC.

Technology and Platforms

We will use a variety of tools and platforms to facilitate teaching and learning over the semester. These include Racket, Khoury Office Hours, and Piazza. Please see the technology page for more details.


I derived many of our course’s lecture’s contents and topics, as well as assignments, from Dan Friedman’s 311 at Indiana University. We use Krishnamurthi’s gradescope-racket autograde framework. Lindsey Kuper inspires some of this site as well as being all-around inspirational.

In the syllabus