The rest of the program …

We assume the 7th assignment.

We assume you have this in the right format from the 7th assignment. If not, it’s time to get it there. To recap, let’s go get it there.

Additional changes:

  1. Load parenthec
  2. Transform every match expression into a union-case union-case <var> <union>. You must precede each constructor invocation w/the name of the union, w/a literal _. I know. It’s a load-bearing underscore.
  3. let*, and construct a main that produces the output, and takes no parameters.
  4. (define-registers n k v), set!s, thunks.
  5. (define-label
  6. (define-program-counter pc) (set! pc)
  7. Don’t assign k in the main, instead mount-trampoline w/name of constructor, k var, and pc
  8. (empty-k ) has to take a j, so that we can pass it along, and (dismount-trampoline j) in end case.
  9. Make sure you print out the answer you get there.
  ;; one additional thing to bear in mind.
  ;; every place you /construct/ a continuation
  ;; <union-name>_ . A Literal underscore ಠ_ಠ


Load "". Then, in the repl.

> (pc2c "foo.pc" "foo.c" "foo.h")

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